Fine Wood Carver and Sculptor

Full Collection (Past Works)

Looking back at these images, I doubt I could start over again today and come close to finding these incredible opportunities. The world has changed while I have been busy working, and observing. I can’t help thinking that I have gotten away with something. Like a good song does, these images take me back to some monumental moments in my life. I left pieces of my soul in each. I’ll be forever grateful to my clients who trusted me to create their heirloom piece, or jumped at one of my favorite spec pieces offered for sale. Through the process, and seeing great results together, many friendships are still aglow years later along with the work.


Many of my commissions have taken me to places I would not have discovered on my own.  Most of the prominent bas-reliefs were commissioned. Nearly all of my sculptures are done speculatively and sold.  The common threads in all of my work are the ancient process of subtractive carving wood, and my love of the natural world.


Down From The Mountain

Down From The Mountain


A very special piece commissioned by surviving family members to memorialize a special friend and client I had the privilege to work for for two years, and the 10 other family members lost in a plane crash near Mt Kenya. Each animal represents a family lost and the four gazelles in the savannah grass the children. Will always miss you GWB!

30" x 40" x 1 1/2" Black walnut. 2008

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